You know what time it is…. Food Time. 

Are you ready for more Barcelona Food reviews done by yours truly!!  Well here we go

First I want to start off With some sushi I had the privilege of trying out a few days ago.  Before I get into it I wanna say that Barcelona, Spain has A lot of fresh raw seafood. I have loved Eel Sushi since I was a child, So obviously I had to try out the Eel. What stood out about this Eel sushi was that the rice was black. I’ve never had black rice with sushi before. I’m sure we may have this in the States. I’ve just never seen it before. The eel was a good standard sushi roll. I also had two fried tempura shrimp sticks which again was standard. The real star of the show was the spicy, crunch salmon roll.  This was a surprisingly delicious sushi roll with an intense taste that immediately hits your mouth.

Here is a sweet treat for you.

Ice cream/ gelato is a very popular sweet treat with many different flavors here in Barcelona.  I got to try a tiramisu flavor in the shape of a rose with a pistachio macaron on top. ( Unfortunately The macaron fell and I was not able to try it.)

This past weekend we had a trip to Madrid, Spain. There I tried a local taco shop. I ordered one chicken curry taco and one salmon taco with a side of fries. The curry was not strong on the chicken but still very good, fresh and healthy due to it being a small portion size. The salmon was fresh, with hints  of aioli sauce. The hot French fries was a necessary touch for a side dish with the tacos.

Monasterio del Corpus Christi- What a beautiful, cool experience.

 In Madrid, There is a church where Nuns bake and sell cookies. You never see the Nuns but only talk to them through a wall. You either can get half a dozen or a dozen cookies. I ordered Icing cookies and tea cookies. All natural, simple ingredients. 

Vegetable pizza in Madrid- I really liked this pizza, This was fresh, airy, light weight and still filling. I would have enjoyed it more if more seasoning was mixed in throughout the pizza, But overall 7 out of 10.


That’s all for now! See you next time. 

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