The Journey Home

The last morning waking up in Barcelona was an interesting one. We watched the sun rise from Placa Universitat, which was beautiful, and then we boarded our bus and went to the airport. Once through security, some of the girls played a really fun game called “not paying attention to Read more…


The theater visit was… no MediaPro. While the visit was very interesting, I was somewhat disappointed by how little our guide discussed the communications side of the theater. I was hoping that on a media studies tour that they would be a little more able to discuss media studies. But Read more…

The Barca Match

The last Saturday of the trip, some of us attended a Barca football match. It was one of the craziest experiences of my entire life. The whole day was an interesting one. That morning, I made some toast and got some coffee, and went around skateboarding. The skateboarding was lovely, Read more…

May 16th

May 16th was truly a day that a lot of things were done. These things included, but were not limited to – a guest lecture, a visit to the modernism museum, a trip to the lego store, some absolutely bomb paella, and a trip to a castellers practice. First – Read more…


Madrid… more like MIDrid. But seriously, I was not a huge fan of the city of Madrid. There was a lot that I liked, but as a city as a whole I wasn’t crazy about it. I absolutely love Barcelona – it is an amazing city bursting with culture. On Read more…