Primavera Sound

A presenter came in from Primavera Sound and talked to us about how she got her start in the industry, what the company does, and what she was most proud of. It was pretty interesting and although I don’t have much of an interest in going into the audio-journalism industry, Read more…

Girona & Dali

Hi Everyone, Surprise, surprise! I also wasn’t feeling well this day either but I didn’t want to miss another event since I had already missed two. It honestly probably wasn’t a good idea for me to go as it ended up being a really long day and I could’ve used Read more…

Media Pro & Guest Lecture

Hi Everyone, Today we had a guest lecture with journalist, author, and professor Benjamin Cunningham. He spoke to us about international media and how it differs based on the country you’re living in. I was surprised to learn that the U.S. ranks #45 in the world for journalists’ safety! I Read more…