By: Riley Sanguigni 

Madrid is a city full of life. Locals and tourists come to visit this city for all the hidden gems and landmarks. 

The main location that draws everyone to Madrid is The Royal Palace or in Spanish Palacio Real de Madrid. It has a garden in front of it and bushes that look like mazes. With the statutes lining up the top of the building makes you take in the whole architecture of it. 

Even Though the Spanish royal family does not reside in it anymore it is still used for state ceremonies. The royal family resides in the Palace of Zarzuela in El Pardo. Spanning around 1,450,00 square feet and with 3,418 rooms, It is said to be the largest royal palace in Europe. The palace is a beautiful sight to see. You can even take a tour of the inside and see how big the rooms are. 

Another cool spot to check out is the Temple of Debod. Situated within Cuartel de la Montaña Park, this ancient Egyptian temple traces its origins back to the 2nd century BC. Transferred to Spain by the Egyptian government, it was given to Spain as a means to safeguard it from potential floods. It looks cool during the daytime but if you go during the sunset it looks amazing. You can even tour the inside to see more artifacts. 

Although it can be kind of busy, it is a must-see spot in Gran Via. It is around 1.3 kilometers long. It’s the main tourist and shopping area. It has many cute local shops that are a must to visit. It is the most popular because of the many hotels, cinemas, and theaters that are lined up on the streets. A part of it is very popular for the new year since they host a similar New years party like America has. 

The Museo del Prado is a top museum to see in Madrid. The Prado is considered one of the first public art museums worldwide, displaying the Royal Art Collection. Over time, the museum underwent expansion, with the renovation of the Casón del Buen Retiro. Behind the main museum stands a cube-shaped structure, designed by Rafael Moneo, which has generated considerable controversy.

On the lower level, visitors can explore Spanish Romanesque murals, Gothic altarpieces, as well as classical and Renaissance sculptures. The main floor holds a collection of 16th- and 17th-century French and Italian paintings, eventually leading to the renowned Velázquez Rooms, a major highlight of the Prado. Notably, the museum’s largest section is dedicated solely to the works of Goya, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts. He has three floors for every stage of his career to be shown. 

Plaza Mayor is also a good spot to stop and see. Located at the heart of the city’s historic district, it sits right in the midst of the bustling center. With restaurants lined up around the statue, you have many choices to choose from. They host many events right here. They host a music festival in May. If you enjoy this spot a lot you can stay here since some of the apartments are actually hotels. 

A cool sight to see is the 360-degree Rooftop Bar at Riu Plaza Espana. This rooftop bar lets you see all of Madrid from high above. It’s a spacious, modern, multilevel rooftop. It offers great views of the Spanish capital. It even includes a glass walkway which is a fun thing if you are brave enough. It’s open daily and throughout the night. If you are staging in the hotel below you can get in for free, if not it will cost you €5-10 to get in. 

A great hidden gem is the cookies made by the nuns. Situated within the Plaza Del Conde de Miranda, an entrance within the Monasterio del Corpus Christi grants access to a unique experience: purchasing cookies directly from secluded nuns. These nuns, bound by strict rules of seclusion, have devised a novel system. To gain entry, one must ring the buzzer and wait for admission. If the desired cookies are available, access will be granted. Proceeding down the corridor, guided by signs labeled “Torno,” visitors will encounter a turntable and a menu displaying a delectable assortment of cookies. They have almonds, oranges, lemons, and others. They will let you know how much it is and you’ll set the euros down and they will rotate it with your cookies. 

Overall Madrid has so many gems you will want to see. They have so many statues and fountains that mean so much to their country. If you are ever in Spain it is a must-see stop.