On Tuesday May 9th we went to the biggest Catholic church in the world Sagrada Familia and Park Guell. Before going to Sagrada Familia I wasn’t all that excited about going. I’ve been to churches and basilicas before in high school and it wasn’t that exiting. When I got off the metro and went outside, I saw this giant beautiful church and I was very excited to see what it looked like on the inside. Before going inside the church, we were informed that the recent Pope came to Sagrada Familia and deemed it a minor basilica.


We then went inside Sagrada Familia, and it was massive. When the church is finished being built it will be 90 meters wide and 180 meters high. That is the length of a professional soccer field from one end to the other. They only hold one mass assembly every Sunday and only 600 people are allowed in to attend this mass. Overall Sagrada Familia is an amazing place to visit and if you are a very religious person, I would highly recommend putting this on your bucket list.

After Sagrada Familia we then went to Park Guell. Park Guell is a private park that is very beautiful and full of greenery and cool architecture. When you first enter the park, you see these rock formations that is the foundation of a bridge which is really cool. Everything in the park doesn’t a single straight line because the artist believes that nature doesn’t consist of straight lines. AS you work your way through the park the more architecture you will find and see.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain