This was an early morning, as we had to meet at 8 a.m. to get on the bus for our theater visit. I made sure to get up a bit early so I could get some coffee and a quick snack. This was our first planned visit after the 3 day weekend off. Unfortunately, I was not feeling well over the weekend so I wasn’t able to do too much with my free time.

We learned about the history of the theater and the land that it now stands on. The building is large and it sat in a  large square surrounded by other buildings that are the home to arts institutes as well. This was not the original location of the theater when it first opened in the 70s, but they needed more room and were able to move to the current location after the World’s Fair in Barcelona.

We got to walk through many different rooms and floors of the theater, including the backstage, on stage, and audience areas. The theater was constructed in a very symmetrical way so it could be oriented in multiple different ways, which is very uncommon among theaters. The seats in the audience move up and down, as well as the facing. I really enjoyed this visit and learning about the theater and the history behind it.

After the visit I headed home so I could rest before our next lecture. I was feeling a bit better than the day before, but still a bit sick. Our next planned thing for the day was a lecture with Josep Ortega, the owner of Kings of Mambo, a digital branding and design company in Barcelona.

Josep explained his career and it was really interesting to learn about how he grew into owning a business and made it his own. He has worked with many big companies in Spain and done some amazing projects. I love seeing digital branding and creating things of the sort, so I really enjoyed listening to his lecture. I believe that this is something that I could carry into my career as a dancer.

After the lecture Riley and I went to the Moco Museum of Barcelona, a modern art museum in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. I really wanted to visit this museum over the weekend, but wasn’t feeling good enough to go so I was really happy that I was able to make it before we left. The museum was located in the small streets and it was really fun exploring a new part of the city that I hadn’t been to yet. The museum was a bit small, but I really enjoyed seeing all the artwork.

We made our way back to the apartment and then we got ready to head to dinner and “the #1 bar in the world”. We headed to Paradiso, a speakeasy bar near the beach, and joined the hour long queue. We got food at a small restaurant close by where we were entertained by street performers. The bar was really cool and had very extravagant drinks. We ended up being moved into another room into another room in the bar where we had custom drinks made for us based on what we like. I had a great time with my friends and it was such a great way to end my day!

Categories: BarcelonaSpain