On the 8th we wen’t to a tapas cooking class, which was strangely located in the back of a grocery store which I did not expect at all. The pack area was beautiful, with gorgeous lighting and seating areas. I also spotted some light and camera equipment, which told me that they convert the kitchen into a studio for photos or video. After a brief introduction on tapas, we learned that the origins of the style of cuisine is not 100% known, but we learned a few theories. One was for the health of the King at the time, whose servants wanted him to eat healthier portions, another comes from using small plates to cover cups to keep bugs out, where food was then placed on those plates at the table.

We then got into the actual cooking class, and my group with Jonah and Joey was tasked with frying calamari. It was a lot easier than expected, and I cleaned and floured the squid. Jonah cut the squid, and Joey was our brave fryer. The calamari turned out delicious!  The table was set beautifully, and we had deviled eggs, stuffed peppers, bread and cheese with tomato, gazpacho, and Spanish tortilla. Everything was great and I was thankful for the opportunity to learn how to fry calamari. We also got the rest of the recipes from CEA, and I am excited to make them all for my family this summer. Spanish cuisine is truly delicious and takes the idea of charcuterie to the next level. It is a flavor palette that I will miss forever. Hopefully I can find a tapas restaurant back in Pittsburgh!

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