I had the morning to myself so I went to a new place to try coffee. I went this time to Departure Coffee Company, it had a very minimalistic modern look to it.

Afterward, I decided to walk around and explore the different clothing shops, but I got targeted and pooped on by a pigeon. I ended up finding a public bathroom in the mall close by but learned that you had to pay a euro to use it. Luckily, I did have a spare euro on me.

For the big class excursion, we had a tapas cooking class. We split into groups of 3 or 4 and in total made 6 different dishes. My group made really fancy deviled eggs.

First, you have to hard boil eggs, then peel the shell off. Cut the eggs in halves and scoop out the yolk. Next, you’ll want to mix the yolk with chopped olives, peppers, and mayo. Add the mixture to each egg and that’s fancy deviled eggs.

We tried everyone’s dishes which also included soup, calamari, and stuffed peppers. It was nice to not only make a tapas dish but see others come together. After talking to other classmates I think we all realized these are pretty simple and quick to make. I

I think the big takeaway from this cultural session was that you don’t have to spend a ton of money and time on making good food. I’m looking forward to getting the other recipes and giving them a try. And that’s about it.

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