When I was younger, I was definitely a picky child, but since I began working in restaurants I’ve really tried my best to open up my palette and try more things. That’s the mindset I took into this trip, that I was going to try anything I could and really immerse myself into their culture through food. In my time in Spain, I picked up how much pride and work goes into their food, and what a big part it plays in their daily routines, and how it allows people and families to connect.

We were so exhausted that first day after our long plane ride. Everyone advised that we adjust to the time change immediately, and to stay awake for that full first day. So, it was time for coffee! They told us how good the coffee in Spain was, and they were definitely right. We fumbled through our ordering a few times because of the language barrier, but this coffee was worth it. Rich, and warm, and full of milk and sugar of course, coffee is a staple for Spaniards at some point during meals, usually afterwards. I love coffee, so this was definitely not a problem for me!

I explained tapas and their importance in my blog post about them, and I can’t express enough how much we liked them, and how many we ordered! From grilled prawns, to bravas, to sliced raw salmon, we ate as much as could. Usually a group of three or four of us would go to dinner together and order maybe six tapas total to share, experience, and find our favorites. I like sushi, and I’ve eaten a lot in the US, and I think that prepared me for the amount of raw food I ate, because it never made me sick. If you had told me years ago that I would be eating raw meat and fish marinated in soy sauce and topped with herbs and seeds, and absolutely loved it, I wouldn’t have believed you!

One thing I’m taking back to the US with me is the tomato bread and olive oil. With almost every meal in Spain, in homes or in restaurants, a plate of bread with tomato smeared on it and some olive oil was usually served. I started this trip not liking tomatoes, but after trying this with a little oil and salt and pepper, I ordered it at every restaurant. Simple, quick and delicious, I want it with all my meals back home too!

Categories: BarcelonaFood