Mis Amigos!

I decided to sleep the entire way to Sitges, so to me it felt like no time passed at all. We ended up getting off the bus right at the beach. Before the tour, Arianna asked me to stay the night in Sitges with her. Since we had a free day, I decided to stay. We asked Nona for some help finding an Airbnb to stay in, and we ended up getting one right across from the beach. Since I wasn’t planning on staying the night, I didn’t have anything with me. During our tour, I was keeping an eye out for some stores to go into. Our tour guide was amazing, she took us to many different sights and explained what they were. I loved that she gave us a minute or two to look around and take pictures. 

I think Sitges has a special place in my heart because of the rich history and large LGBTQIA+ presence. It is a beautiful city and I love being here! 

After the tour, I met up with Arianna, Baylee, Tia, Hannah, Riley, and Erin to explore Sitges. We had a bit of time before we could get our stuff from the bus. We got some gelato, stopped into some stores, and I was searching for a bikini. Arianna and I stayed in one store while the others broke off, but we met back up with them a little later. After we got our stuff from the bus, and everyone left, Arianna and I headed over to our Airbnb. 

We did run into a momentary snag, because I didn’t have my passport on me (again, I wasn’t planning on staying the night) but the guy at the front counter accepted a picture of it. We were in room 112 and had the worst view of a brick wall and a couple plants. 

Arianna and I continued to go around different stores; I found a blue bikini and we got three matching bracelets (for Arianna, Tatum, and me). 

The rest of the night was pretty simple. We went to the beach, the sun was setting but that didn’t stop me from going into the water. A guy came up and did a card trick for Arianna and I, and we decided to go walking around to see the music festival that was going on. 

I would’ve appreciated a better dinner than the teriyaki noodles from the festival, but it was still really fun (and the potatoes were pretty good)



Categories: Sitges