I am overall really proud of myself for today. I began to feel quite sick after the tapas class so I figured I would just go to bed and sleep it off, especially because I had been so excited to see La Sagrada Familia. 

When I woke up this morning I still felt like something  was not right in my body but I decided to put my makeup on and join the group. 

As we neared the site I was able to snap a brief picture before my legs started to get a tingly numb sensation and I felt the need to sit down. 

When more of our group arrived at the site I began to become overwhelmed by the way I was feeling because something felt so wrong.

With tears in my eyes I checked out with the professors on this trip and deliriously navigated myself back through the metro system back to my apartment. This is why I am so proud of myself because public transportation is generally, not my thing.

Here I lay so sad that I am missing the tour and scared because I have never felt so sick and alone in another country. I am thankful to have amazing roommates that have brought me empanadas and powerade but I am trying to keep my distance in an effort to keep everyone else healthy. 

I am very certain it must have been from the plane here, those flu machines…I will be wearing a mask on the way back for sure, this is not okay.

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