1. This blog is quite hard since my computer did in fact break last night. It is working better now but still hard. Today is the day we went on our boat trip.

I slept in a bit but was woken up by the maintenance man fixing our balcony door. Today I decided to wear white shorts, a blue tank top, and a white button-up shirt.

After that though Hannah, Baylee, and I went to go get tapas. Me and Baylee got a coffee and then we got a rice ball and cheese nachos to share. Definitely not my favorite of all places but still good.

After that it was time to head down to catch the catamaran. It wasn’t what U expected at all but it was very nice. Much chiller than I thought so i’m glad I had a button up. It was nice to be in the sea and feel the nice air.

After the sailing ended some of us ended up getting hot dogs (so good!!!!) and from there spilt into 3 groups. I decided to head back home. I later on got tapas again and went back home. Later in the night, we decided to walk about and explore La Rambla.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain