Day 3 in the greatest place on Earth…


and the last day 🙁







We started the morning at mass at the most beautiful church right by our hotel. I was astonished how even this little community church was so intricate and beautiful. We had the sweetest Irish man as our priest and I just felt so fulfilled after. An amazing and simple morning.





Our day went downhill just a little bit after this… We decided to eat at this little cafe across the street where our waiter listed the breakfast options to us, we chose our meal, and then we were sat outside. It started our great, the food was delicious, but then the bill came out to be $75. After reading about this place, it sounds like most people get scammed here. Whoops!

We did not let that stop us. We were off to make the most of our last day! It was pretty rainy this day but we found plenty of opportunities to get out there and explore.


We took the Metro over to the Colosseum where it started to downpour on us. To wait out the rain, we found a cafe to grab a cafe latte and hung out for a while. Once the rain cleared, it actually ended up being a nice day! We chose not to go into the Colosseum just because we did not have much time, but it was incredible just from the outside!

Before making our way to the airport, we took one last stop for Roman pizza. Again, it was incredible. We chose to get a prosciutto and mozzarella platter as well which was an excellent choice on our part. We were definitely sad as these were our last few moments in Rome, but we definitely made the most of our time.

Then, it was time to get our bags from the hotel and hop on the Metro to the airport. We had a bit of a hard time getting on our long train to the airport, but we eventually got on a different train and we were on our way.


The Rome airport was very quick and organized which was a relief after an exhausting weekend. For the flight back to Barcelona, I got upgraded to row 4 which was a nice surprise! I slept the entire flight, then before I knew it we were in a taxi back to our apartment.

It was a weekend for the books. I will never forget it.


Categories: FoodTravel