
Starting bright and early this morning with a visit to Teatre Lluire was a great way to start the day. Teatre Lluire was founded in 1976 and is one of the most important centers of creation and stage exhibition in Spain. It is a private foundation that works together with different public institutions, such as Barcelona City Council or the Ministry of Culture. 


I really enjoyed seeing the behind, above and below the main stage. I used to dance and do musicals, so it really brought back some fun memories and the inner theater kid in me. What I found most fascinating was the blocks that make up the audience floor. It has 64 squares just like a chess board that can raise and lower to accommodate what kind of stage the performance needs. I had never seen something like this before. 


Later in the day, we had a guest lecture with Josep Ortega, director of Kings of Mambo, which is a creative and graphic studio from Barcelona, that makes digital products strongly focused on the best UX/UI possible. The company focuses on creating corporate identity, branding design, programming, making digital experiences and apps and creating websites and advertisements. I thought it was very cool how a project started by two best friends in 2004 is still up and running, even though Ortega said to never create a company with your best friend. 


While graphic design is not a strong passion of mine, I really enjoyed the lecture. Ortega seemed very down to earth and relatable. He was very honest about how draining his work can be and how he is stepping back to not only focus on himself and his family, but to get back to his passion which is designing, not directing. The whole lecture was really inspiring.

Graphic design is Josep Ortega’s passion,

Erin 🙂