Personally,  I found this whole business lecture to be pretty cool and more of my speed . RPS Is an online radio station that uses its multi use platform to distribute music they produce and made by other artists while also providing cultural content, comedy, and journalism. RPS “ gives visibility to new, informed, views and to diverse and non-conformist content with rigor and humor.” RPS also has an international music festival founded in Barcelona in 2001. Now with both the festival and radio station with its podcast consisting of interviews with popular artists in front of crowds, It serves as a place for artists to come together, display their work, discuss many different topics and perspectives to share with others. 


RPS reminds me of America’s Rolling Loud Festival Or the Lovers and friend festival. These festivals are similar to the stage set up for headline artists with thousands of fans surrounding the stage. Mini stages for other artists to perform on and  for podcast interviews as well as prod casting to take place. RPS has a youthful feel to it that includes a-lot of things I personally am interested in which may not be a surprising factor because RPS has a majority fan/ listening base of female millennials. I am not a communications major but if I was, being involved with something like RPS would be more my speed. Giving artists a platform to share their art and perspectives and spreading information that RPS surrounds themselves with, music, comedy, hot topics, feminism and more.

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