Today we had a lecture with Marta Salicru who is the director of Radio Primavera Sound, the main radio and podcast production station for the music festival Radio Primavera! It was amazing hearing from someone with so much experience in radio and journalism, and she has helped interview artist like Lorde, Remi Wolf, Fake Webster, Rina Sawayama, and more! Her explanation of how she manages podcasters and collaborates with other creators to produce content for Radio Primavera was great! I love learning about music journalism, and he experience and taste in music was vast. If I were to go back to Barcelona, I would absolutely attend the Primavera Sound festival since it sounds so interesting!  Looking into the company, I have seen many of their interviews before and just did not connect the dots during the lecture! Music and event coordination as well as content production would be a dream job!

It was interesting seeing how there are not many differences between American and European radio, but I did notice how interesting the Primavera Sound brand is. They truly transformed a music festival into a multimedia brand that goes beyond music, and touches on podcasts and videos for their youtube channel. I do not know of any festivals here in the U.S. that have such a flushed out production plan. Podcasts have transformed and breathed life back into radio, and it is very intriguing seeing how multifaceted Marta is and just how many moving parts she works with. Her passion for the festival and music shined through her presentation and I really appreciated being able to connect with someone with such interesting experience in journalism and production! Her music taste was also great!

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