The first day in Barcelona could not have been more incredible. The jet lag is real after a full day of travel however, for this lovely place, I am happy to adjust! As we walked through the streets here I was sure to keep my fanny pack close to me and safe from pickpockets which we have been told are prevalent here.

After our incredible tapas lunch, our native Barcelonian tour guide led us on a walking tour of this amazing city. I loved her accent as it was a mix of spanish and british. I was told many of the English teachers come from the UK which is why many people have similar accents to hers. She was sure to point out all of the incredible buildings which have been here for thousands of years. She brought up Christopher Columbus quite a bit which was surprising to me due to the fact that Americans have “canceled” him.

I was sure to pay attention to the streets of Las Ramblas because there are many places I am dying to visit again at a later time including La Boqueria and the cathedral.

A man playing the cello led me to take my ear piece out and pause for a bit to listen as he serenaded the street. I love that it is so common for people to practice their instruments outside and they are so appreciated for their art. The tour was finished by a crowd of pigeons bigger than any I have seen before. I was even lucky enough to hold one! So far I am in no rush to get back to the United States.

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