A presenter came in from Primavera Sound and talked to us about how she got her start in the industry, what the company does, and what she was most proud of. It was pretty interesting and although I don’t have much of an interest in going into the audio-journalism industry, I was still able to take something away from the stuff she told us.

What stuck with me the most is how she was named in Forbes for her work at Primavera and although she did point it out, she was still very nonchalant about it! Personally, if I ever get named in Forbes, I’m posting it everywhere so that everyone knows.

Unfortunately, we weren’t there long enough for the big music festival that takes place in Barcelona but she said she would be there and listed off some of the artists they’d be interviewing. While most were people I had not heard of, there were a few big names that impressed me! One of the artists she said she had gotten to interview was Cigarettes After Sex and I really like that band!

Finally, she told us a lot about Primavera Sound’s podcast and how that is what sort of brought all of this newfound exposure and attention to the company. Overall, it was pretty interesting and I feel like I’ll remember the things she taught us for a long time!

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