Park Guell!! Being at Park Guell was such a breath of fresh air, quite literally. Since most of our time was mainly spent in the city parts of Barcelona, it was refreshing to finally be with nature. I gained a lot more insight into Gaudi and his work, and also learned the history of Park Guell. Park Guell was intended to be sort of like a gated community with nice homes and mansions. Not too many people back then were in favor of it, so they decided to just make it a public park. Since it was intended to be a gated community, there are only two homes built there, which one of the homes was where Gaudi lived with his niece. He lived in a beautiful pink home which is now a museum and has a few of Gaudi’s belongings in it— one being a spoon. Gaudi crafted large round pieces of stone in front of his property (there was some word that that is where Target stole their idea from👀). During our time in Park Guell, we also learned about the history of all the vegetation that still remains there to this day. Gaudi didn’t want to touch it and wanted it to continue to flourish. 

The views from Park Guell were gorgeous as well. You could see all of Barcelona from there. I can see why it is not only a tourist attraction, but it also seems like it is where the locals hangout. There were tourists of course taking photos, but there were also tons of locals just hanging out on the bench with their friends, some of them were by themselves just listening to music. It seemed like the perfect place to vibe and hangout. I enjoyed Park Guell a lot. All of the scenic views, more of Gaudi’s work, the nature surrounding it, all of the stones and caves. It was beautiful, I would’ve loved to have more time there.