Today was our first morning waking up in Barcelona!
After a long day yesterday, a good night of sleep was definitely needed. After we left Pittsburgh on Tuesday, we look a quick stop in Philadelphia (about 20 minutes!) before hopping on our long flight over to Spain. I was never able to fall asleep on the plane, so I was awake from Tuesday morning until Wednesday night with no sleep. Nonetheless, I was still able to enjoy getting to know the city yesterday and some very yummy food.



Today, we started the morning with some cafe, then headed over to the CEA building for the first rime. The facility is super nice and we got to hear a great presentation to help us get around these next few weeks. From there, we were taken to a restaurant with some INCREDIBLE tapas, as well as a delicious fiduea and dessert. I wish I did not get so full so I could enjoy it all! My favorite two tapas were the patatas bravas and the calamari, but I seriously could not believe how good everything was. I have not tried any food in Spain so far that I do not like!

Thank goodness we had an opportunity to walk off all that lunch!

We were taken on a walking tour of Barcelona, where our guide showed us some amazing spots in the city! The architecture here is like nothing I have ever seen before and there was something new around every corner. I was amazed at how many small streets and corridors exist between the buildings – this is totally something I would have looked past in the U.S.! Overall, today was a great day of getting to know the city and everything it has to offer.





Categories: BarcelonaSpain