Hola!! Buenas Días!

I’ve got to be honest; I’ve had better mornings. This morning could have gone so much smoother. At some point last night, the breaker to our apartment switched off. Baylee and Tia didn’t have an outlet in their room, and the kitchen outlets stopped working. Meaning, we didn’t have access to anything. Erin turned into a momentary handyman (handywoman?)  about an hour before we needed to leave for the day. It was really important to get this fixed quickly  because we went food shopping last night. 

Arianna was determined to have bacon so she tried to cook it in the microwave as Erin started flipping random switches in the breaker box. I don’t think she knew what she was doing, but she fixed it. 

We did manage to get to CEA on time, which is where orientation was held. Everyone that I run into that works at CEA is so nice and helpful. I am really thankful there is a group of people who know the area to help us all out while we’re here. 

The restaurant for lunch was amazing. All of the tapas were delicious, and our two tables were the loudest in the restaurant. I had the tuna dish for my main course and was a little put off from the texture of the raw tuna. Luckily, we had such a sweet and amazing CEA worker assigned to our group; Nona. She offered me a bit of her meal because she could tell the tuna wasn’t working out the best for me. The cheesecake dessert was amazing! I give the lunch a 9/10, and would love to go back. The restaurant was tucked in a small alley near Las Ramblas, called La Lluna. Truly a gem of a restaurant. 

Right after lunch, we had a walking tour of Las Ramblas with our guide named Sylvia. She passed out these little devices that hook on your ear to make it easier to listen to the guide; she called them ‘Whispers’. I learned so much about Las Ramblas, and the Gothic Quarter as well. It was a bit hectic, but so beautiful. I was taking so many pictures of what was around, I almost got separated from the group a few times. 

After the tour, we were able to leave for our own free time. I walked through an area filled with pigeons, and saw a couple getting bird feed put in their hands and hair to get the birds to land on them.
After Tia got around the birds (she was not a fan) she and I ran over to the Orange store so she could get a SIM card for her phone. Unfortunately, she needed her passport so we headed back to the apartment (and got distracted). We went into the Zara and bought a few things. I got a black dress and a green long sleeve cover shirt. After shopping, I really wanted to stop in this small cafe type restaurant. Tia and I both got this amazing lemonade that had a slight minty taste to it. By this time, we were running late so we rushed the rest of the way back to the apartment just to leave again and get back in time. Luckily, we got the SIM card, and Tia was able to have a working phone! (Me? Not so much… Still working on it.) 

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