Today we had an early start visiting the Modernism Museum. It was really interesting going through this museum and learning about how art and its meaning were being pushed depicting the struggle and real lives people lived.

There was also a lot of furniture with intricate details of people or flowers. I think my favorite part of the museum was seeing the stained glass windows at the bottom. They were backlit so you could see all of the colors pop.

Later on in the day, we had Marta Salicru from Radio Primavera Sound come and talk about radio and the music festivals they host. They host an international music festival which was founded in 2001.

The station focuses on audio, video, music, comedy, podcasts, journalism, and culture. Since COVID they really saw a growth in their listener base. During the pandemic, they saw some difficulties because they couldn’t do these live shows which rely on having a live audience.

Another challenge they faced was doing all of these shows and continuing to work from home, they really had to improvise, but they ultimately succeeded in producing quality content.

After the guest speaker, we went to watch Casteller training, or people stacking. We watched a video to give us some history and context.

There is a lot of strategy that goes into this sport and how teams can create different formations. I think the most interesting aspect of this sport is that it includes people of all sizes and ages. Teams use children to climb to the top, making them the point on the tower. Watching the training was fun and I even got to be part of the base. And that’s about it.

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