After the Prado museum I had high hopes for the other museums we’d go to. So when I learned we were going to the Modernism Museum I got really excited. Sadly, I was not a huge fan. I think what I loved about the Prado museum was how old the art was, and the stuff they were portraying. At the Modernism Museum I didn’t get that feeling of awe. I also felt like it was quite small, I wish there would’ve been more. However, I did still enjoy it even if I didn’t fully like it. I really liked the furniture that was there. I found it quite interesting that that became so huge. That people would want intricate pieces of wooden furniture. However, It was really cool looking to see.

Now the Castellers, that is a different story. I was so amazed by their talent and skill when it came to what they were doing. I loved getting to watch them practice, and I really hope one day I can see them actually do it in real life. I was really interested in the fact they have the little kids go to the top. I know for a fact my mother would never in a million years let me be one of those little kids if I were raised in Spain! She would be way too worried that I’d fall off, and I don’t blame her! I don’t know how they did it so flawlessly. To stand on top of one another like that is truly amazing and I loved getting to see everyone of all ages use their bodies so support one another.

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