

Our day started bright and early with a visit to a Modernism museum. While the museum was a little small, I had a pretty good time. I really enjoyed seeing the furniture from Gadui and seeing the development of how women are portrayed in art, getting closer to more accurate representation.


This afternoon we had a guest lecture with the director of Radio Primavera Sound Marta Salicru. I really enjoyed the talk. I have never really done any music journalism in my career, so it was nice to learn about a different side of the industry. I also loved learning about podcasting and music culture in Spain. She was very knowledgable in her field. 


We ended the day with a trip to see a Castellers training session. Castellers are human towers that can be anywhere from six to 10 people high. This is a Cataluynan tradition. After some technical difficulties with a computer from 2010, we learned a little more about the history, the clothing items worn and the culture. I think it is amazing how an entire Casteller group can be a single family, so it is kind of like family bonding in a way. Physically seeing the struggle in people’s eyes made me see how serious and dangerous this activity is. I was completely blwon away with the little kids that climbed to the top as well. They could not have been more than six or seven. I have been afraid of heights my entire life, so shout out to them! Today was busy but an absolute great day!

Microsoft 2010,

Erin 🙂