

You thought going to the hospital in Spain was crazy? Well, how about meeting a scammer? 


I was super excited when we heard about today’s visit. It was to be determined for the entire trip, and I was hoping it would be in a newspaper or magazine. When it was announced that we would be meeting the owner of the Barcelona Metropolitain, an English magazine, I was super excited. I should not have gotten my hopes up.


I should have known from the beginning that something was wrong when we met this guy at a bar. I thought it was a waiting area, so I chose a pretty bad seat where I had to turn around to face the guy. He also started his lecture by pulling out an American flag tie (he is American by the way) and that he did not really have a plan for his speech. He then also complained that the space was small and that he wanted to have a private room.


Words cannot describe how bizarre and insane this lecture was. It was ninety percent full of lies. There was no direction, and he was just kind of telling his life story about how he does illegal things. He said he would break into banks, which is how he got on Wall Street, but he was working 130 hours a week and made too much money, so he left. He kept referring to his wife as “my woman” and his daughter as “my baby.” He also was trying to show he was a feminist by repreateing that he is no longer a Republican, that his wife is so much smarter than him, and put the guys on the spot by asking how many tampons a person with a period goes through in a month. Whenever he needed an adjective to describe something good, he used sexy. Some crazy stories later, he said he landed on selling phone numbers, which basically in short are sold to scammers to get local area codes. He said that his goal was for all of us to leave with one of these numbers and that he is partnering with his influencer daughter to use this for dating apps but insisted that he has never been on one himself. Everything about this man was fake and creepy. He also wanted us to stay after for some political event he was holding, but we all wanted out of there as soon as possible. 


I truly have no words. You cannot make this stuff up. I was so mad. How did we end up in this position? Also, that magazine that I thought we were touring, he said he broke into their website, and that is how he took over the paper. 



Erin 🙂