On May 17th, I slept in until around 11. For lunch, I went to this place called Honest Green. It was a very cool place. I got a Poke Bowl. It was good but very spicy for me. It has kiwi,pi pineapplesand oranges in it. It surpsurprisedbut I wasIglad to have some fruit. I took it back to the apartment since it was busy in there and I still needed to get ready for our visit.

As a Journsilm major, I was looking forward t visiting a magazine company. It is something I could see myself doing. Instead of that, we arrived at a restaurant. We met with a man who owns a magazine compamy but did not want to talk about it at all. Long story short, this man was 100% a scammer. It was a funny experience once we left but I was so bored during it.

After that disaster, I went to go get dinner. We went to this pasta place. it was pretty cool. you got to pick your noodle type, sauce, and toppings. You also got a dessert. I got spaghetti with the original sauce and bacon for my meal. I got a brownie for dessert. that brownie was the best part. All of that plus a drink was only 20 euros.

It was a good way to end the night.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain