May 16th was truly a day that a lot of things were done. These things included, but were not limited to – a guest lecture, a visit to the modernism museum, a trip to the lego store, some absolutely bomb paella, and a trip to a castellers practice.

First – the modernism museum. It was pretty cool. There was a lot of cool stuff at the modernism museum, but my personal favorite was the stained glass windows that they had on display in the lower level. They also had some very cool paintings.

After the modernism museum visit, some of the gentlemen decided to journey out for some paella. The paella was far beyond delicious, it was absolutely mind blowing. One of the most impressive things that I have ever eaten in my entire life, and it was not even the best thing that I had while in Barcelona.

After the paella, a brief journey to the Lego store was in order. At the Lego store in Barcelona, you are able to custom print lego t shirts for minifigures, so I and some others made some of those. Then we got some gelato, which was pretty fire, to say the least, but not as good as the gelato I had in Sitges.

After gelato, we attended a guest lecture, which was my favorite of the guest lectures. I felt as though Radio Primevera Sound had a lot to offer in terms of knowledge.

Then we saw some people stack on top of each other, which was pretty wild.

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