On my 16th, We started our day at the Modernism Museum. It was cool to see! I liked the art portion of it the best. I am not the biggest fan of museums with furniture on display. The exhibit was on the 4 Gats. My favorite part of it were the paper cats dangling from the ceiling. The tour guide for this was really good at explaining everything.
After the museum, we went to go get lunch. On this day I just got a Caesar salad with chicken. I was really craving American food so the fried chicken on it was perfect for me. I also paired that with a sprite. It was just what I needed. When we were finished with lunch, we headed back to the apartment to rest.
When it was time for another guest lecture we headed to CEA. This lecture was on Marta Salicrú. She works for Radio Primavera Sound. It was cool to hear about all the things her company does. After that we had a very short break to run and grab food. When the break was over it was time to head to the Castallers training. If I’m being honest I wasn’t looking forward to it. Unknown to my knowledge it was actually quite cool to see in person. It was crazy to see if just one person stumbles it could cause everyone to go down.
Overall this day surprised me!

Categories: BarcelonaSpain