This was my first ever cooking class and for the most part I really enjoyed it! We made Tapas and everyone was in charge of making something different. My team was in charge of making the “Spanish Omelette.” Our meal was extremely easy to make, the instructions were just a bit vague. An omelette is supposed to be runny and our first one sort of turned out a little dry and slightly over cooked. Our instructor the least to say was not impressed. We were told our work was unacceptable, that his mouth was dry just looking at our omelette, and that other American students nailed it the very first time, so he was a bit disappointed that we didn’t😅. It’s okay though, we made a second one that turned out just how he explained it to us. They were actually pretty good!

I feel as if all of the boys did an amazing job with their dishes as well! They were super delicious and they followed the directions to a T. My favorite tapa that was made is going to have to go to the calamari. Before this trip, I’ve never even tried calamari before so I was super impressed and all in all enjoyed my time in the cooking class.

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