Our second day in Madrid was my favorite. After a luxurious night of sleep in the hotel beds we began the day with a tour of the Prado museum.

My grandma has been eager for me to see it and I was overjoyed to have such a great tour guide to provide such detailed information about every piece we saw. 

I am glad we had him because from the get go he grabbed my attention with how he described the painting “The garden of earthly delight.” I feel like the whole creation of the earth thing can be overdone at times but there were so many intricacies to this work I would have never been able to dissect myself that were absolutely genius.

There was one painting which interested me most where the people in the background were dressed as if they could exist today yet it was from the 1500’s… I’m always here for a mystery! I wish we could have taken pictures of all of the art but I get why we couldn’t.

After the tour a few of my friends and I went on a walk through the Rivera gardens which was a stunning park with flower gardens and a large lake in the middle.

Shortly after we got back to the hotel it was time to hit the train back to Barcelona. I really wish we had more time in each place cause at times it feels quite rushed but I still feel so lucky that we are able to see so many incredible places so I can’t complain! A few of us are headed to Mallorca in the morning so I am hoping to catch some sleep on the train back!

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