On our second day of waking up in Madrid, we went to the Prado Museum. It was beautiful! Once you enter the museum you were not allowed to take pictures of the artwork. Our tour guide showed us all of his favorite works of art. Starting off with the The Garden of Earthly Delights (Triptych Children of Earthly Delights). This painting was a three panel art work, with art work on the front and back. There was so much detail put into this art and all the details had meaning behind it. The works principle message was to depict the message of sinful humanity through fragile and transient life. Some details that stood out to me from the artwork was the women with apples on their heads to show the sins represented from Adam and Eve. And a man dedicating gold coins to show greed.

Next, an art work that stood out to me was The Jacapo Tintoretto. This canvas exalts humility and brotherly love trough the scene of Jesus washing his disciples feet in the last supper. The composition with the main event shifts based off of where you are looking at the painting from. The far right of the canvas has a marked diagonal running throughout the scene. This took a full meaning in what must have been its original location. Through this painting the right wall if the choir of the Venetian church of San Marcuola…the celebration of the last supper is visible in an adjoining room behind the figure of christ.

Overall, I really enjoyed the Museum of Prado. I have been to a lot of museums in my life and this was definitely my favorite I have ever visited.

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