After a very good night sleep, I woke up ready to explore for our second and final day in Madrid!

Our morning started fairly early with an AMAZING breakfast buffet. The spread was one of the widest I had ever seen and it was nice to sit down and eat breakfast for my first time since arriving in Spain.

After checking out, we headed to our first stop of the day: Museo Nacional del Prado. This museum blew me away in its size and the material inside. It featured both Spanish and international art and we had an incredible tour guide to walk us through every exhibit.

Even after two whole hours, we hadn’t even touched every room. I would have liked to stay longer to investigate a bit myself, but I also did not want to waste any of our last hours in Madrid! So, as the tour wrapped up, we headed to our next destination.

On the way to the museum, we passed a beautiful park that we decided to stop into on our way back. I was glad we did because I had seriously never seen a park like it – from the lake in the middle to the colorful flowers throughout, it was seriously beautiful! I was happy we took the opportunity to visit before heading home.

From there, we took a 30 minute walk back to our hotel to meet up before heading back to Barcelona. We ended up having a little time, so Sabrina and I went next door to the Museum of Ham… basically heaven on Earth. They hand cut us some jamon iberco for our sandwiches and it was incredible. A great last stop before the long train ride home.




Overall, I wish we would have had more time in Madrid. The city was incredible with so much life – I hope to go back some day!