For our next class trip, we took a train to Madrid, the capital of Spain, for an overnight stay.

The train we took was really fast and we got to see a lot of really nice views as we traveled through the countryside. We stayed in Hotel Madrid Plaza Espana which was on a very busy stretch within the city.

Before our walking tour, we had free time to get lunch. I wanted to try Goiko since the last time I attempted to try it, it was closed, so I made my way over to the nearest location. Again, it was closed but found another location that was open. It’s a smash burger restaurant and it was pretty good.

The walking tour had us go through a park and see the major buildings within Madrid. Madrid seems a lot more touristy with a lot of people dressing up in costumes.

The tour was also passed by the cookie nuns. It’s kind of an intimidating process. You have to ring the doorbell with a giant camera on you. After they let you in, you walk down a long hallway until you reach a small window.

There is like a lazy susan in the window so you cannot see the nuns and they cannot see you. You order, set the money in the window and it’ll spin back around with change and your cookies.

The following day we went to the Prado Museum which has thousands of paintings. There is so much art from all different time periods, it was great. One of the bigger parts of the museum tour was looking at Goya’s work.

I spent another hour and a half after the tour still exploring and still didn’t see all the museum had to offer. The Prado Museum has definitely been a highlight of this trip. And that’s about it.

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