We had an early wake up again today as we went to go visit Teatre Illure. We were there by 8:15! When we got to Teatre Illure we were greeted by our guide who showed us around. It was super interesting. Being that I am a dance major I found this visit fascinating. We were shown all the dressing rooms, rehearsal spaces, and even got to go onto the stage. It was very interesting to see the difference in stages and theaters in Spain from America. What I found most interesting was the layout of the stage. As Teatre Illure is one of the most well known theaters in Spain, after visiting you can definitely tell why!

Today we had our last and final lecture with Josep Ortega. Josep Ortega is the founder and creative director of Kings of Mambo. Kings of Mambo is a graphic design studio. This was interesting to see all of the work done by Josep Ortega. I found his lecture super relatable. As he went into the details of his life and career path I gained an insight to how to be successful.

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