On our final full day in Spain, we savored a delightful goodbye lunch. The meal consisted of a wide array of tapas, each one bursting with flavors. For my main course, I relished a delectable seafood paella, a traditional Spanish dish. To conclude the meal on a sweet note, we indulged in a scrumptious slice of chocolate cake.

Afterward, we strolled along the beach, soaking in the coastal atmosphere and bidding farewell to the scenic views. Our leisurely walk eventually led us back to our accommodation. With our departure imminent, I dedicated time to packing my belongings, ensuring everything was in order.

To savor our last evening in Spain, we decided to dine at a charming restaurant called Dia Estudiantil, where we enjoyed a delightful Spanish dinner. The flavors and aromas of the cuisine left a lasting impression, creating a memorable culinary experience. To finish the night the roommates and I cracked open a nice bottle of wine and called it a night.

As the following morning arrived, we were greeted by a breathtaking sunrise, a fitting farewell from the vibrant Spanish skies. With our bags packed and spirits uplifted, we started on our journey back to the United States.

During the return flight, I took advantage of the opportunity to capture a remarkable photograph of the city from above. The picture encapsulated the beauty and essence of the place we call home! I was glad to be back, but still missing Spain and the city of Barcelona to this day!

I will truly miss Spain. This trip was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I am honored and grateful to have been given this opportunity!


Categories: Barcelona