Kings Of Mambo was the class’s last business lecture for our trip. Joseph Ortega is the founder of Kings Of Mambo starting in 2004. Ortega has been working in design and creative directing for 25 years and has a creative background going back to 18 years and has developed more than 1,000 projects. This is a creative studio with a multidisciplinary team of eight people. Personally what I got out of this lecture is that Joseph and his team create/develop high quality content, advertisements for companies who align with them, Kings Of Mambo feel they can create what the customer is asking for, and that Kings Of Mambo are not working with a competitor team.

The class got to see several examples of his work that they have done for many of their high profile clients. The ones that stood out to me were a popular scooter brand in Spain and a Car company. I liked how King Of Mambo did not just make a basic website for these companies but made an experience for customers of these companies to come along with as they explore Scooters and cars via the website. High websites were slick, New, Fresh, Exciting which are all things companies need in all forms of marketing and Kings Of Mambo are able to provide that. While watching Ortega it made me think how I would love for my business website to one day look as sophisticated as King Of Mambo can make their graphic designs look. Overall this was another informative lecture surrounding media, communication, business and more.

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