Hey Guys! I’m Jonah Hartman, I’m from Pittsburgh, and I’m an Acting Major here at Point Park. Besides my major, I’m also minoring in Entrepreneurship and I’m now going to be a Senior! Besides acting I actually am also on the Point Park Track Team. I participate in a couple different events but my main two are the 110m Hurdles and the 400m Hurdles. As much as I love track I’ll be honest with you guys, sometimes it can be a lot, but I’m really glad that I’m able to do both track, school, and acting all at the same time.


If you’re interesting in any acting stuff I’ve done, above is a link for an indie movie I was in this past summer! I’m incredibly proud of the work I did on it and it was really well received garnering around 4k views in as little as two months! Some other stuff I’ve done recently was my first professional short film which should be out in the coming month or two, as well as a commercial for the Pittsburgh company Iron City Beer and their collab with Turners Iced Tea!

I’m incredibly excited for our trip to Spain and I can’t wait to share it with all of you! Something I’m most excited for will be the food as well as the history of Spain. So if anyone is interested in trying to find cool food spots let me know! I love exploring and getting to see new areas I’m in and I can’t wait to explore with all of you!