Hi everyone, my name is Tia! I am currently a senior here at Point Park University, studying Advertising & Public Relations. I have a few different routes to go in mind after graduation. I have interests in pursuing PR in fashion, being a brand strategist, social media marketing, copywriting, etc. A fun fact about me is that I am extremely indecisive. A few others is that I love putting on a cute outfit and taking photos, looking at multimillion dollar homes on Zillow that I can’t afford, releasing my inner child from time to time (I can be nuts) and figuring out ways that I am going to become rich.

The reason for me traveling is so that I can experience a whole different part of the world. I kind of don’t like the place that America is becoming and am very excited to “escape reality” for a moment. I’m also excited to immerse myself into a different culture and learn more about my future career while I am there. Lastly, I’m hoping to making long-lasting memories that I will cherish and bring with me into my future.


Categories: IntroductionSpain