If I am being completely transparent, my first day in Barcelona was extremely brutalšŸ˜…. I loved it when I first arrived, the jet lag was just really tough to deal with. I felt the culture shock the moment I stepped off of the airplane. Just by how everyone in the airport (besides us of course) were dressed. I saw plenty of women dressed so classy and they were all matching to a T. Fancy berets, pearl necklaces, the whole thing.

Arriving to our apartment was probably my favorite part of my first day here. I was so excited to see what our rooms looked like and to just explore the surroundings of our apartment. It now is starting to look pretty normal to me, but when first arriving, it was completely foreign and unique to me. Once getting settled in, the first restaurant the girls and I went to was a pizza place. The first thing we noticed were the cheap prices! We also quickly noticed that here in Spain, you have to pay for water. Everything was so different yet so interesting. Besides the jet lag, my first day was pretty okay since we did tons of sightseeing and exploring Barcelona.



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