Hello! Let me introduce myself;

My name is Shannon Marinari. I’m from a very small town in Pennsylvania close to the New York border. I am a Creative Writing major with a double minor in Psychology and History. My career goal is to travel the world and write about the places I visit, whether that be the history, the social issues, my personal experiences, or all three. 

I love to take photos, draw, write, cook and bake. (I’m not very good at cooking though, it’s a learning process.) I have a dog, ducks, geese, and chickens at home so I’m a big animal person. I enjoy spending time with friends and most of the time it doesn’t matter what it is we are doing (having a movie night, going shopping, going out to eat, etc) as long as we’re all having a good time. 

Because of my career goal, I jumped at the opportunity to join this International Media Class. I’ve never traveled outside of the United States, but it has been a dream of mine for a long time. Having this opportunity will get me one step closer to learning how to travel and experience different cultures and histories. I’m very excited to see just how different Spain is from what I’m used to, as well as the memories I know I’m going to make and cherish from this trip.

 My dog, Paco 🙂


Categories: IntroductionSpain