Hi Everybody,
It’s been a cool two days in Barcelona and we’ve already done so much! To begin our journey, my aunt who is an international pilot talked to her friends flying the plane and had Riley and I brought up to the cockpit. I even got to call Riley over the intercom to the front of the plane and sit in their seats! It was a really cool and unique experience that I’ll never forget.
Once we arrived in Barcelona, I felt really sick and ended up throwing up in the customs line at the airport. Thankfully, I started feeling better a few hours later and have been out and about ever since. The girls I live with and I have been to many restaurants where we’ve tried tapas, made new friends out of servers and explored the city together.
To fight jetlag, we walked around the city, got some groceries for the kitchen, and have gone out to eat for almost every meal. Luckily, the food is pretty cheap here and every time we go out to eat we all split the cost of the food so it ends up being really cheap. The tapas are great because they’re small portions but very filling!
The second day was a bit slower as we spent most of the day at CEA. We went through our orientation where we learned some useful things, and then went on a walking tour of the city which was pretty educational. It was cool to see different places of the city and to see all of the history Barcelona has to offer!
At the end of the night, my roommates and I went to a restaurant right next to the Mediterranean sea and it was gorgeous! We had been recommended that place by the server at one of the places we had eaten on our first day and we weren’t disappointed! If not for the amazing food, the views were gorgeous! We’ve already made plans to go back in the day and take in the views.
Overall, it’s been a crazy few days here so far but I’m really enjoying my time here! The food, shopping, and people are amazing! I cannot wait for the rest of our trip. I will report back soon!