The guest lecture with Ben was very informative and interesting. Since I did graduate a few weeks ago, I haven’t really been too focused on my career. Recently I’ve been trying to just regroup. However, the lecture with Ben made me refocus and actually inspired me. His story was just very fascinating to me. He’s been all over the world over the course of his adult years. I also loved that he ended meeting his wife along the way and they now share a daughter. This all happened from him just following his dreams and just going where his gut was telling him to. Ben also has a book called ‘The Liar: how a double agent in the CIA became the Cold War’s Last Honest Man.’ The book is about a guy selling the US’ information to his country by joining the US’ CIA. The book seems to be becoming a success. All in all, I’ve enjoyed hearing of Ben’s successes and also valued the advice he gave to the class.

Visiting Media Pro was a really cool experience. I never really had an understanding of how green screens, graphics, and holograms worked until we visited Media Pro. Our class got to see how the camera makes green screens look realistic and some of us even got the chance to take a photo in front of it! Something that stood out to me the most was the hologram that they use on television. It was so cool because we don’t have things like that in the States. They showed how they do interviews with the players from the football team, but in reality it’s really just a hologram of the player. The player isn’t actually in the room. I learned a lot at Media Pro and enjoyed the experience.


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