The guest lecture with Josep Ortega was probably one of my favorite ones. He was able to keep our attention and swiftly got through his presentation while still explaining everything thoroughly. I liked how he asked if we had any questions on specifics as the presentation was going on instead of waiting until the end to be bombarded with a bunch of them. I learned a lot about multimedia, which plays a decent part into my future career. I appreciated him giving us inside look on what it is like and what a typical work day looks like.

Josep has been working as a designer for almost 25 years now. He grew up loving photography, painting, and drawing. In his adult life, he’s earned two degrees. One being in photography and the other one being in multimedia. From there on, he became a huge part of the Kings of Mambo team, and also participated in both local and international events. Kings of Mambo is a creative studio with a team that consists of eight people. At Kings of Mambo, they are experts in creative direction, art direction, front-end and back-end of developing and much more. One of their main duties is to design and develop communication campaigns. I actually enjoyed hearing Josep talking about the campaign aspect of things, considering that pertains to one of interests when it comes to my career. I love working with a team and brainstorming ideas for clients. I’m usually apart of the writing team when it comes to campaigns, so it was interesting hearing him go more in-depth on the creative side.

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