Hi friends!

This morning we had to be at CEA at 10:30 a.m. for our guest lecture with Benjamin Cunningham. Today was the first day that it felt like we were actually at school for sure! I enjoyed listening to Benjamin talk about his career in journalism, but as someone with little journalism knowledge, some topics went over my head. He has lived in many countries in Europe and has traveled even more while studying and working.

I was really interested in the book that Benjamin recently published. He explained that it originated as an article he wrote while working for The Economist in Prague. The book is about a Czechoslovakian man who moved to the U.S. with his wife to work as a double agent. I am definitely thinking about buying his book and immersing myself in the story of Karl Koecher’s life.

After a short break and a quick trip to enjoy a Spanish Happy Meal, we met back up at CEA to head to MediaPro for our business visit. The huge MediaPro facility was very nice and high-tech. They have 10 studios where they can film TV shows, movies, commercials, and the news. We started in a large studio with a big green screen and got a demonstration of the many ways they can utilize it in film and TV. I thought that it was really cool to hear how the multiple layers of the camera work and how they can build the background in their computer system. As a dancer, it is possible that I might have to work with a green screen for a job, and having more knowledge never hurts.








There were some aspects of this business visit that also went over my head, such as seeing the many different control rooms. The man leading our tour gave us a presentation in the studio where they film sports coverage, and we learned how MediaPro is the leading broadcaster for LaLiga, the Spanish soccer league. I was really excited for my fellow classmates that are studying to work in this environment because they seemed very excited. We finished our visit by going to the top of their building and enjoying the amazing view!








After a long day, I went with Sophia and Sabrina for food at a cute Mexican restaurant. The food was really fresh and delicious. Unfortunately, I got a bunch of mosquito bites the night before so I spent the rest of my evening catching up on blog posts, resting, and trying not to itch my bug bites.