On this day we had a guest lecture and a visit to Media Pro! It was an excellent day centered on journalism and media throughout Barcelona. First we started off the day with a lecture from Ben Cunningham. Ben Cunningham grew up in Michigan. He is 42 years old and currently lives in Sitges. He had worked at Oakland Press here in the states, after college he realized he wanted to go to school for his masters out of the country. He started applying and soon he went to the University of Amsterdam , where he got his masters in International Media. He finished his masters and thought he was ready to move back to the United States when he then got a job in Serbia! He then got a job at a newspaper in Prague where he got promoted to become the editor! He moved to Barcelona after meeting his wife and then had a daughter. When Vince came to Europe he said the biggest difference was television. He says that media in Europe does not resemble to media in the states. Nothing is like CNN and nothing is flashy, it is all strictly informative.

Benjamin is now going for his PHD and will be completing it this month. He is currently writing his dissertation on how technology has been presented in culture and how it has affected Europe. Showing how technology over the course of fifty years had changed and impacted society.  Overall, this was a great day! I found the lectures informative and fun!

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