Another day, another day trip.

This day was LONG but amazing nonetheless! We started bright and early by boarding a bus to drive to Girona, Spain; another city in the region of Catalonia. In Barcelona, we met our tour guide Sylvia and all made in to Girona together after about an hour and a half.




From there, the walking tour began. It is not everyday you are walking through the set of the Game of Thrones – but that is exactly what we did. For such small, quaint city, there was a lot of history to be appreciated.






One of my favorite parts was the flower festival that was happening on this particular weekend in May. Not only were there beautiful landscapes everywhere you looked, but we also had free access to many buildings and museums we would not have been able to get into otherwise.

Sylvia shared many of her favorite parts of the city with us as well as some of the best places to grab a bite to eat. At the end of the tour, we landed at an ice cream place to celebrate Erin’s birthday! How lucky is she to be able to celebrate her 20th birthday in Europe?!


We were then given about an hour to grab lunch before meeting back at the bus. We chose just a small tapas spot and shared a few little plates. A Spanish classic. Then, it was onto Figueres for the Dali Museum!

Figueres is another city in Catalan even further north – I swear we should’ve been in France at that point! The Dali Museum was not like any museum I have ever been to before. Especially compared to the art we have seen derived from religion, this was just about the polar opposite.





It was still very interesting to get inside his head a bit and at least try to understand him, though I do not think that is possible. I was entertained by all of Dali’s efforts to “mock” other artists work like Michelangelo and Picasso. He was definitely a twisted genius!

After some time at the museum, it was a long bus ride back to Barcelona, and another day of exploring complete!



Categories: GironaSpainTravel