Hi Everyone,

Surprise, surprise! I also wasn’t feeling well this day either but I didn’t want to miss another event since I had already missed two. It honestly probably wasn’t a good idea for me to go as it ended up being a really long day and I could’ve used the rest! Anyways, I went and ended up having a decently good time for how I was feeling.

We did a walking tour of Girona that ended up being a hike and PURE cardio. Everything was up hill. I’m making a mental note as I’m writing this to check how many steps I recorded that day. It was also very hot so that in mix with the hike had me feeling gross. It ended up being pretty and a lot of the tour was Game of Thrones based which was pretty cool. I’ve seen the show but the scenes she was saying were shot there didn’t come up in memory. I’ll have to rewatch season six.

After the walking tour in Girona, we took a bus to the Dali Museum. I was actually super let down by the museum and thought it would be a lot better than it was. Bare in mind, I felt like crap and was ready to get home. A lot of the work was cool but none of it really resonated with me and the pieces I wanted to see we didn’t get to see. The museum was honestly kind of a letdown.

Once the museum was over, we got on the bus and headed back to our Spanish home in Barcelona! I couldn’t have gotten off that bus fast enough. The second I got home I took my medicine and went to bed. Grateful for the experiences but the overall rating is a 6/10.

Talk later,


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