On the 18th we visited Girona, which is a beautiful city where they shot many scenes from Game of Thrones! Obviously we were there to see the city and the historical buildings, but I was taken away by all of the iconic areas that are in the show! I am a huge fan of Game of Thrones and have read the books as well, so I was captivated by every area I recognized. I knew they filmed some scenes in Girona, but I always assumed most of it was a set and they incorporated some buildings in. Many of the streets were exactly the same as the show! Although our guide was able to point out some important spots, my nerd side came out where I could point out many locations and the exact scenes! Walking through the alleys and near the church was amazing, and it truly felt like we were walking through a medieval fantasy setting. We also were just in time for their flower festival, so the entire city was decorated with beautiful flowers everywhere you went.

The next stop was the Dali Museum, and it was surreal, pun intended! The outside was decorated with giants eggs and the walls had bread on the outside, symbolizing birth and life and Christianity. The first room we saw was the courtyard, which had many peculiar features. We saw a statue of a woman on top of a car, connected to a pillar connected to an upside down boat. The car also rained on the inside and was adorned with leaves and one crack in the window you could use to see the inside. This was the beginning of the crazy and surreal world of Dali. The rest of the museum was just as peculiar, it felt as if we were in wonderland or in a different universe, since every large room featured surreal and seemingly random pieces. We also were able to see some paintings that featured some of his famous melting clocks! Overall, it was great being able to experience the world and mind of Dali.

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