Girona was a very cool town, so cool I wish we had more time to spend in it. Girona is a smaller town outside Barcelona, and it has some very cool older style architecture. Ancient roman ruins still rule the skyline here, and its roman ruins you get to walk on. These served as a backdrop for some famous scenes in Game of Thrones. I have seen one episode of Game of Thrones, and I’m sure what season or when. All I remember was that Peter Dinklage was on a boat. That seems to happen a lot so, I can’t really narrow it down.

You would certainly get your steps in here. As a longtime distance runner, I would both love and resent those hills and staircases at the same time. There was a flower festival going on too, which was very cool. They were making the most of the drought by having a lot of sculpture type arrangements. Beautiful.

            After an Italian lunch we packed back into the bus and barreled towards the Dali Museum. I have actually had a bit of a preview for this museum in February this year, when I go to go to the modern museum in New York City. That is where the persistence of memory is located. The Persistence of Memory is by far Dali’s most famous painting, and it is the one with the melting clocks. Interestingly, it is there and not at the Dali Museum. That’s not to say there wasn’t a lot of interesting stuff to see at the museum. My favorite piece was a car that they lowered into a courtyard by helicopter, filled with dead bodies. It could rain inside the car too, which was pretty wild. This was inspired by a pivotal scene in The Silence of the Lambs, which happens to be one of my favorite movies. Cool to see a prominent Pittsburgh film influence Dali. The Dali Museum was cool, but I am unsure if I would return. Girona? Definitely.

Categories: GironaSpain