May 18th was a long day. we started the day at 8:30 am and ended at 7:30 pm.

At 8:30 we met up to take the bus to Girona. The bus ride there went by pretty fast. We made a pit stop. I got a Starbucks coffee that kept me energized the whole day. After that stop, we arrived super quickly.

In Girona, we had a walking tour of the city. It was a pretty city. The Game of Thrones was filmed there. I have never watched but it was a cool fact to know. They had a flower exhibit which made it even prettier. After the tour was over we got tapas and ice cream. Very yummy! We had time to kill so we just wandered around the area for a bit before we had to hop back on the bus again.

the ride from Gioana to Figueres was also quite short. In Figueres, we went to the Dali Museum. This was my favorite of all the ones we went to as a class.  It was mostly all art which I enjoy. all the art was done really well. it was very crowded though but that is my only complaint. we were warned about that issue through since it was never supposed to be a museum. Once the tour was over we headed back to the bus.

The ride home was very long. I wasn’t tired so I couldn’t sleep the ride home. I listened to Taylor Swift for the 2/3 hour ride. It was very stop and go which made me a bit carsick. Once we got back I just chilled on the couch until I needed to sleep.

Categories: GironaSpainTravel